

Pilot Dawn has taken the time to tell us a little about herself:
“I was born in Marton, New Zealand, my favourite colour is purple and my sport of choice is Pickleball! My music preference is anything from the ‘80’s and I love Madonna. My favourite meal is my husband, Scott’s Thai Phad curry and also fettuccine with bacon.” Yum!!

When Dawn was asked who she would invite to join her for dinner (living or dead), she said they would be… “Moses Mackay from Sol3Mio—Dawn adores his voice; her Mum and Dad who have passed away (she would like to thank them for their sacrifices and everything they did for her and her siblings) and The Breakfast crew (Hilary Barry, Jack Tame, Jenny-May Clarkson ) for “normalising” the Māori language on TV.

Dawn also mentions another highlight in her life, their two gorgeous sons who have grown into good decent young men.

Dawn joined CWA Napier as she saw the opportunity to combine her love of cycling with the chance to help the elderly get out into the environment and their community. Thanks, Dawn for being a part of our CWA team.